Mit der Strassenbahn durch das alte Wuppertal Band 1: Kreuz und quer unterwegs in Elberfelds Mitte (1947-1987) (DGEG)

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The first volume of this illustrated review of trams in Wuppertal between 1947 and 1987.

In 1948, Wuppertal's tram system was the sixth largest in Germany, however by 1987 all tram services in the city were to cease completely. This new series of books illustrates the transition from the system's heyday through to its closure.

This first volume focuses on the tram routes which crossed each other in Elberfeld, including both metre and standard gauge lines. Photographs are arranged by location, with captions accompanying each image and further text used to introduce each location. German text. Hardback. 168 pages.

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